Super hot Castration with domination phone sex bitch Jenna

Castration is the ultimate cbt phone sex call! It may seem like an obscure fetish, but I actually receive a few callers a month who want to do this type of role play.

One of my regulars gets freaked sometimes that he has such an extreme fetish. He told me he has no idea where it comes from, but he’s been jacking off to fantasies of castration ever since he was 15 years old. He doesn’t remember seeing any kinky porn from his dad or any sort of castration of farm animals. He sometimes goes overboard in trying to analyze it, but I tell him to relax and just enjoy his fantasies. After all, when we have our castration phone sex fantasy, we both really get into it and get lost in the scene. When I start to cut his balls off, he screams – but not in agony. Rather, he screams in total ecstasy. So if it feels so good to him to have this fantasy and role play it with me, why analyze? Just sit back and let my scalpel or rusty scissors do the ball draining trick. (wink)


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